TOPIC: Word Of God, Defended By Gods Revolver. Title: Defended By God's Own Revolver! A number of years ago an incident occurred which greatly endeared the Bible to me, and caused me to feel safe without any carnal weapon. All in a moment I found myself surrounded by six men demanding my purse. I was where I could not defend myself or obtain help from man. I confess to a strange palpitation in my heart. It seemed clear that my purse or life must go. At that instant something seemed to say: "Tell them who you are." With much difficulty I said to them: "I am a minister of Jesus Christ. My business is to preach Christ wherever I go, and you know you are making a demand upon me that you cannot meet at the judgment seat of Christ. After a little I distinctly heard one of them say: "Let him go." Then I knew Gods revolver had taken effect. I now became calm, and pointed them to the Judgment-seat, where they must meet me and this whole transaction. Strange to tell, they were silent for a little, then one by one went away, and left me alone. This was plainly the effect of preaching to them the great Day of Judgment, accompanied by the Divine Spirit. I can never forget my feelings as I walked away from the spot, seeing Jesus only with me. I seemed to grasp the Bible with a new love and confidence, and silently said: "I shall never need any other revolver than this. For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword. What an illustration of this was that moment before me. The Bible is the Spirits sword. The excellency of the power is of God, not of us. For fifty-seven years in which I have been preaching the Word, I have witnessed its power over hardened, as well as moral, men, in bringing them to repentance and causing them to forsake their sins. In view of this wonderful deliverance, I would recommend all ministers to preach more simply the Word, and all men to embrace and obey it. Let us scatter it everywhere. Let us put this mighty weapon into every mans hands, and let us all rest and trust more fully in it. Martin Luther says: "And though this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed, His truth to triumph through us. --- A. B. Earle, From: Incidents Used… In His Meetings, published in 1888. Go To Topical Illustrations Index 1 Go To Mixed Illustrations Index 1 |
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